Product/Service Creation
At TERAOKA/DIGI, we are creating products and services that are environmentally friendly and that contribute to a sustainable future. Three themes that represent this activity are (1) circular economy, (2) zero waste, and (3) water safety (access to a safe and reliable water supply). We believe that product/service creation, which plays a central role at TERAOKA/DIGI, will define our future.

Circular Economy
Volume-reducing PET Bottle Reverse Vending Machine
PET plastic bottles are considered trash if they are simply thrown away, but can become a valuable resource if they are properly separated out and collected. Our volume-reducing PET plastic bottle reverse vending machine encourages recycling of these bottles. Since production began in 2005, TERAOKA/DIGI has strived to increase recycling efficiency, while establishing a track record in both domestic and overseas markets, starting with Germany, a country known for its advanced environmental awareness.
That is how Bottle Squash came into being. Our original precutting compression method helps prevent the bottle from reexpanding after being compressed, while ensuring that the drinking spout remains attached. This allows more efficient recycling and increases the resource value of the recycling material.
Create a cycle of ongoing recycling and reuse of consumable resources.
Connect this cycle with business activity and thus contribute to resolving societal challenges. TERAOKA/DIGI’s Bottle Squash is contributing to the realization of such a circular economy.

Zero Waste
Pack on Time
Pack on Time is a solution that supports the optimization of in-store food processing. It allows backroom staff to monitor the number of packaged food items that are being produced and sold in real time, so additional items can be produced in a timely manner and food loss due to overproduction, as well as opportunity loss due to items being sold out, can be prevented.
The concept of zero waste deals with how to prevent the creation of waste, not how to deal with it after it has been created. By helping optimize in-store food processing with Pack on Time, we are striving to meet the challenge of creating a standard for zero waste generation.

e.Sense | Selling by Weight
Selling by weight (bulk sales) has been attracting attention as one way to reduce plastic packaging use and prevent food loss from purchases of more food than can be consumed. Selling by weight has long been practiced both in Japan and overseas, but a serious issue with selling by weight for self-checkout systems has been human error and shrinkage.
TERAOKA/DIGI’s e.Sense is a solution designed to reduce human error and shrinkage. This technology also supports BYOC (bring-your-own-container), where shoppers can bring a container from home to purchase items in bulk, which greatly enhances the convenience and appeal of selling by weight. Shoppers can buy food items such as nuts, cereals, honey, and craft beer in whatever quantity they desire. Making shopping fun using e.Sense is also contributing to achieving the goal of zero waste.

Paper Board Skin
TERAOKA/DIGI’s Paper Board Skin is a next-generation packaging technology that keeps food fresh and extends shelf life by completely sealing a food item onto a paper backing sheet. This technology not only promotes zero waste by reducing food loss and plastic consumption, the ability to have attractive designs printed on the paper board tray further enhances the product value and appeal.

Environment Navi
Environment Navi is a system that allows the customer to easily and accurately determine the type, source, and amount of waste that is being created in their operation. Accurately assessing the current status of waste production allows effective measures to be taken to control the generation of waste.
Since introducing this environmental waste measurement/management system in 1999, TERAOKA/DIGI has been offering solid support for waste control that aims for zero waste.

Linerless Labels
Linerless labels were first implemented industry-wide by TERAOKA/DIGI in 2011. These labels do not use a paper liner, which had been considered commonplace until then. In addition to there being zero liner waste, the label length is automatically adjusted to the amount of information on the label for each product, thereby minimizing the label size. So, a major feature of linerless labels is that they can simultaneously reduce both liner waste and labeling cost. In fact, the length of label liner that was reduced in just one year in 2021 is enough to circle the earth 15.1 times*, exemplifying the level of contribution TERAOKA/DIGI linerless labels are making to reducing paper waste. Moreover, the reduction in the use of the wood, water, and electricity needed for producing paper liners is an effective way of contributing to lowering both cost and environmental impact. How do we deal with global environmental issues using our product strengths in order to realize a sustainable society? TERAOKA/DIGI's linerless label product is putting zero waste into practice by significantly reducing the consumption of paper, one of society’s invaluable resources. (*Source: JAXA official website)

DIGI Shop&Go
Using a dedicated smartphone app, shoppers scan product barcodes as they select items in the store, and then place the items directly in their own shopping bag. DIGI Shop&Go, TERAOKA/DIGI’s next-generation smartphone app, makes this new shopping style a reality.
It is said that eliminating 100 plastic shopping bags can save about 2.8 500 ml plastic bottles worth of crude oil. DIGI Shop&Go supports each shopper's zero waste activity by encouraging them to bring their own bag instead of using plastic shopping bags provided by the store.

Water Safety (Access to a Safe and Reliable Water Source)
ECOA is a pure water vending machine that delivers delicious and safe water to customers. Its high purification capacity using reverse osmosis and water-saving functionality that prevents waste of precious water resources promises reliable access to safe water. In addition, the same water container can be used repeatedly. So, ECOA is contributing to a reduction in plastic use and in CO2 emissions.